Inghilterra AAA ... ma un debito di 4 triliardi di sterline!
Nonostante un delirante debito pubblico di 4 triliardi, l'Inghilterra conserva il suo rating AAA, secondo Moody's. Ciò dimostra che ci prendono ufficialmente per dei cretini, e questo non sciocca più nessuno, a cominciare dalla stampa finanziaria!!!
Leggere Zero Hedge:
"It was only yesterday that Britain's societies of accountants and economists disturbed 5 o'clock tea, saying that - according to their calculations - the Empire's public net debts of Ł2 Trillion were more than double the official figure. This was a bad guess. It is Ł4 Trillion or again double that overnight, at least according to this story in the Independent: "The true scale of Britain's national indebtedness was laid bare by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) yesterday: almost Ł4 trillion, or Ł4,000bn, about four times higher than previously acknowledged"".
E qui il Daily Mail, parla di 2 triliardi, che a questi livelli non fa la differenza:"Real debt in Britain is £78,000 for each family... more than twice the official figure"